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Ignoring The Urge
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* Welcome from Eloise
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Week 1
Welcome the "Ignoring the Urge": Day 1 - 16th May
Session 1: Day 2 - 17th May - JUDGEMENT
Insight: Day 3 - 18th May - BEING DIFFERENT
Session 2: Day 4 - 19th May - FUTURE YOU
Session 3: Day 5 - 20th May - BURDENS
Week 2
Session 4: Day 6 - 23rd May - FREEDOM
Insight: Day 7 - 25th May - TIMING
Session 5: Day 8 - 27th May - FOG CLEARING
Week 3
Session 6: Day 9 - 30th May - INNATE WISDOM
Session 7: Day 10 - 31st May - FLOWING INTUITION
Insight: Day 11 - 1st June - NO DEFINITION
Week 4
Session 8: Day 12 - 9th June - CLEARING EMOTIONS
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Insight: Day 11 - 1st June - NO DEFINITION
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