Ready for a joyful journey? Get ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure where freedom, authenticity, and boundless joy await!

Compassion Key Sessions with Master Practitioner Eloise Ansell

How I Serve Clients:

In my work with clients, I wholeheartedly embrace the Compassion Key approach, creating a sacred space where deep healing and transformation can unfold.

I like to think I create a safe space (think warm cozy blanket fort) for you to be nurtured & held as we explore your inner landscapes. Releasing emotional burdens, and unlocking the door to profound healing and self-discovery.

With a sprinkle of joy we go on an adventure… the Compassion Key becomes our secret treasure map unlocking hidden doors, clearing emotional cobwebs & unleashing the true authentic you.

I use any of my tools in my kit, alongside the Compassion Key, to support you to dance to the rhythm of your own heart, embrace your passions, and unlocking the doors to a life that radiates with vibrant possibilities

Ready for a joyful journey? It's time to dance to the rhythm of your own heart, embrace your passions, and live a life unapologetically true to yourself.

What is the Compassion Key?

The Compassion Key is a simple yet powerful system for healing the inner child and clearing karmic imprints and distortions.

People who work with The Compassion Key often report miracles in their financial life, relationships and health, as well as greater purpose alignment and feelings of lightness, relief and coming home to their true selves.

The technique centres around specific applications of self-directed compassion, the key to healing and integrating wounded aspects of ourselves and clearing the karma blocking our soul’s pure light from shining through into form in every part of our life.


"Eloise has this beautiful, easy energy around her that makes the client really comfortable and it helps them open up with their issue and see things clearly without feeling judged and critical. I had a wonderful session that took me deeper into my own depths and helped me know myself on another level. I highly recommend her to anyone."

SA, USA 2023

"Compassion Key sessions with Eloise feel nurturing and expansive, touching so many areas of life. They're very healing and clearing using such a gentle, deep process."

Gill, UK 2023

About Eloise:

My healing journey started in 2006 when I was injured training for the London Marathon. I ended up receiving a healing session which not only resolved the pain in my foot… but took me into a whole new adventure! I eventually left my corporate job in 2008 to run my own business supporting others in various capacities.

My background is very varied! I studied Mathematics and Computing at University. I have worked in many different industries; scientific research, gaming, aerospace, & telecommunications. After becoming a certified NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, I dedicated eight years to assisting individuals in their personal growth and development. However, my path eventually led me to fully embrace my role as an Intuitive Healer. It has been incredibly rewarding to connect with clients from all around the world, providing remote healing sessions.

I am passionate about empowering therapists and helping them take action on their businesses. I believe that once we embark on the journey as therapists, it can often stir up a multitude of emotions and challenges that are unique to our profession.

Currently, I am based in the vibrant city of Brighton & Hove, situated in the UK (just head south of London until you reach the beach!). When I'm not working, you will often find me dancing or walking by the sea.

I love cuddles, stationary, and dancing.

Compassion Key: Master & Circle Leader

Book a Session...

Book a Compassion Key session:

I will email you (within a few days) to agree a time for a session. I will then send you a questionnaire to complete before the session.

Sessions will be approx 45 mins in length and completed over online (Zoom type webpage). Sessions will be available during office hours (UK time).

You will receive an audio of the session afterwards so you can re-listen as you like.

(For more details on sessions & booking please see "details" section at the bottom of page)


“Eloise's Compassion Key sessions are gentle, yet powerful. Whatever is on my mind when we connect on Zoom I come away feeling better. I've had some quite startling 'Ah ha' moments as we dive into a topic… It's difficult to quantify exactly what changes occur in the sessions, but suffice it to say that in the last 6 months or so I have had some significant shifts to do with people pleasing, letting go of what no longer serves me and turning round a life-long sense of commitment which has made it hard to make changes to who was in my life, friends, therapists, relationships. Eloise's special, unique blend of experience, knowledge and intuition ensure the sessions are fun, deep and transformative. I very much enjoy working with her in this way.”

Gill, UK 2023

“I went into the Compassion Key sessions not knowing what to expect, but with an open heart. What has come up has surprised me and it genuinely feels like wisdom is coming from somewhere deep within me. I wouldn't be able to predict where we go in advance or know what happens next. It took me a few sessions to get into the swing of it, so one thing I would recommend for others is to do a few sessions as I found it easier to "get into it" over time. One of the things I have to say with Eloise is that it's okay to be honest, it's okay to say things you haven't said to anyone before, it's okay to say you didn't feel a shift. In terms of outcomes, I feel like big changes are happening but they will become more visible to me when I come to the end of the year. I feel like the changes are going to be huge.” Aashna, Malta 2023

"I loved the way Eloise facilitated a session for me. Her energy and presence was so calm and attentive that I felt safe to be able to get to deep-rooted issue. I enjoyed the clarity and shift I received through her intuitive guidance. Thank You"

Ritu, USA 2023

"If you're at all interested in self-development, learning more about yourself, or clearing beliefs or blocks that you feel are holding you back, then Compassion Key is for you! For me, I was curious to explore a heaviness that I'd carried with me pretty much my whole life. In the sessions, with Eloise's very intuitive guidance, we uncovered so many deep-seated beliefs (many I hadn't even realised I had) without getting bogged down in the nitty-gritty of my life story. 
Eloise is a gifted practitioner who infuses the Compassion Key sessions with her own special blend of intuition, wisdom, love, and humour to gently explore underlying belief systems that are unique to you and your lived experience. 

I won't lie - many tears were shed, and I'm not one for crying - glad I had a box of tissues handy lol! But there was also laughter and fun, and the tears shed were so cathartic, Eloise holds loving space for it all.

It has been several weeks since my Compassion Key sessions, and the heaviness I felt in my heart has lifted - I feel more content and happier in myself. I feel more like 'me' - the 'me' before motherhood and middle-age lol! As a tool, I think Compassion Key is such a beautiful, kind, gentle tool for healing - I highly recommend trying it for yourself!"

C, 2023 Aus

Aashna's story:

A brief interview with Aashna (Jan 2024)

Payment options:

Book 1, 3 or 6 sessions.

Block booking saves money & allows us to deep-dive on one area of your life.


1-2-1 Compassion Key session online with Eloise.

Session availability & my schedule differs from month to month, so I will contact you with some options.

Please be aware this will be mainly 10pm-6pm UK (London) time on weekdays - most sessions are done Monday & Fridays. **

If you book a series of sessions for a discount these must be taken within a set time... 3 months for a block of 3, or 6 months for a block of 6. Most clients like to schedule a session about every 2 weeks on average.

Please note there may be additional tax fees depending on where you live.

Choose to pay in GBP or USD. USD allows PayPal payments.

Once booked if you need to reschedule, please be sure to give at least 24 hours notice at [email protected]. If you show up more than 10 minutes late for your session, it will be considered a no-show, and you will lose your session and will not receive a full or partial refund or credit for the session.

There will be no refunds for sessions booked... so please do not book if you cannot do sessions in the day (UK time). It is best to email me first to check my availability.

** Please note the availability of sessions is dictated by my diary & schedule. Depending on how busy I am limited to how many I can do a month. So, by booking you are committing to a session... but please note I cannot guarantee how long you will have to wait for a session... normally it will be within a couple of weeks.
I will try and be as accommodating as possible to fit your needs. If you want to check my availability first before you book please email me.