"Feeling Safe in an Uncertain World"


14 healing sessions - releasing many things holding you back from feeling safe in your life!

Our number one need in life is to feel safe! We constantly seek it out... and yet, often we don't FEEL safe.

In this series, we will look at clearing the blocks and stripping away anywhere you feel unsafe.

Enabling you to make changes with more ease... and maybe attracting something different... more fun anyone?

This was a wonderful series I did in May/June 2024.


"I loved this series, it resonated strongly with me and raised fears I had no clue about, running in the background, affecting my everyday life. Like a fear of not having enough energy, fear of 'bad' vs 'good' foods, fear of 'doing nothing'. They kind of sound obvious, but it's not until you get that 'ping' of awareness that you see them. Eloise's sessions are so subtle and gentle' but the 'pings' can be mind blowing! And then you get the opportunity to change.  

Thanks, Eloise, for a wonderful series, one I'll come back to I am sure."

GT June 2024

"I consistently enjoy your online sessions. It feels as though they are tailor-made for me, arriving exactly when I need them most. I can listen to them whenever I have the time, and they feel incredibly personal, intimate and supportive. Thank you!"


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