Overview of Series


Welcome to the "What's Your Story?" series!

This series will start on Monday 15th May and run for 3 weeks... or whatever the group dictate.

If you have not seen my video on the background to the pre-thoughts on this series please see the video below... will kick things off & give you some ideas on what to expect.




Intent for Series:

If you have ever joined in with a series before with me, you will know I always ask you to set an intent for the series!

  • What do you want to get from this series?
  • What is the story (or stories) of your life?
  • Who would you be in you let go of your story?
  • Anything you want to let go of or attract?
  • Anything else?

So, take some time to journal, or go for a walk & ponder. If you want to share your intent (which I encourage you to do) please share it below in the comments, or email it to me: [email protected]

Complete and Continue  