"Happy Body Series"

An 8-week journey to recreate a new relationship with your body - and possibly change everything!

Recorded September 2022

This is an 8-week programme which ran from September till November

Are you tired of judging your body?

Maybe you are tired & exhausted?

Do you feel like your relationship with your body is in need of some TLC?

Are you hiding? From life, relationships...

Do you feel like you are running out of time to get thin, fit... and all the other things you want to improve about you?

Life should be easy right? So, why does it feel so hard?

You want to enjoy life! Spend more time with your loved ones and less time worrying about your belly, or if your skin is clear enough ;)

You deserve to enjoy the gift of your body now! Feeling ease in your body will feel soooo good right?

The series was a mixture of healing sessions audios & videos, EFT... whatever the group needed! As always I followed the energy of the group - including future participants!

Every week there was a number of elements released over the week as needed by the group.

Plus there were 3 live sessions!

These were an opportunity to ask questions & work more one-on-one to support the group further.

What will we do?

My thoughts (before we started) on what we might do & cover...


"The Happy Bodies series was interesting and thought-provoking. Just doing the homework writing a list of issues I had with my body was eye-opening and then gradually the sessions cleared layer upon layer of ingrained belief systems and thought habits. Eloise introduced other methods of clearing which were really useful. I was resistant to the idea of EFT to begin with, but her video teaching us how to use it was great and little by little I warmed to the idea and now am using it regularly as a clearing tool.  

There was another video about listening to our bodies and that had a profound impact on me. I knew I 'should' be listening to my body and communicating with it more, but I wasn't doing it! That video and the sessions opened that up for me this time round which I am really happy about and I am sure my body is too!

I'm listening to music more, I'm eating my greens, and I feel that my relationship with food and my weight and my body has shifted. 

As always it is hard to quantify the shifts, I just know that deep down this series got to areas where I'd been holding on to stuff that no longer served me and that is fantastic. I would highly recommend it."

Gill, Cornwall UK

December 2022

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The Series:

  Overview & key things...
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