Join me for monthly group healing sessions!

Do you feel different from other people? I always did (and still do).

Are you one of those people who knows there is more to life?

It is like there is some magic undercurrent to life you want to tap into, but don't know how?!

Join me (us) for these group sessions where we strip away the things holding you back from having an extraordinary life!

Each month there will be two group healing sessions.

Plus a monthly online group meditation.

Plus access to the "core training" area.

Plus a FaceBook page for you to share & connect - with me & each other.

Plus other bonus's when I feel inspired! (Random is my favourite word!).

"Even today when am feeling melancholy I am getting comfort that there is tomorrow’s session to look forward to and the group connection to hold onto which gives me strength in the depths of a moment of feeling huge loneliness..." EW 2019

Each month there will be two group healing sessions.

Plus a monthly online group meditation.

Plus a FaceBook page for you to share & connect - with me & each other.

Plus other bonus's when I feel inspired!

** Bonuses:

  • All members get discounts on certain courses & series throughout the year
  • One free group series a year included (worth £120+)
  • Facebook community if you want to connect
  • Sporadic insights from me on Telegram when I see anything cool or interesting!
  • The Core training - want to improve any area of your life? Well, I cover tools & tips on 8 areas of our wellbeing in a series of core training sessions. Lots of practical things you can implement. Over 14 hours of content!
  • And more to come...
  • Live coaching sessions are being added in 2022!
  • Plus access to the 40+ past sessions

Supporting busy women to reduce stress & feel more ease & joy in their bodies through online healing sessions.

Hi, I’m Eloise Ansell

I get excited supporting people to live more happy, fulfilling lives. Giving them back the freedom to be them & enjoy life :D

I work with clients all over the World, both one-to-one and in groups, to improve their well-being, have more giggles & give them a sprinkle of magic in their lives!

Sometimes we loose touch with ourselves & the possibility of life... is it time to reconnect with yourself and let go of anything stopping you feeling free?

Overview from Eloise

(recorded before we started in 2020)

" I have been doing the group sessions with Eloise, for the last 2 - 3 years, I don’t remember exactly when I started. Since then, I’ve seen lots of changes in my life, my life took a different turn then I expected.

Every session is different, her intuition is amazing, we peel lots of layers that we accumulated during our life, and is not longer benefiting us, this helps us to move forward with more ease.

I’m always very excited when a new session is on.

Thank you Eloise for all the love and devotion you put in these sessions 🙏."

Lavinia, 2020

Inside the Hub...

Sign up for the Freedom Hub is currently closed!!

Please click here if you want to leave your details & be on the list to hear first when I open the doors again... then you won't miss out next time!

Inside the Hub:

  Welcome & Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  July - September 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  April - June 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  January - March 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  October - December 2023
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions July-September 2023
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions April - June 2023
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions January - March 2023
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions October - December 2022
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions July - September 2022:
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions April - June 2022:
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions January - March 2022:
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions October 2021 - December 2021
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions July - September 2021:
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions March - June 2021
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions January - March 2021
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions September - December 2020
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions: July - September 2020
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Group Sessions: March - June 2020
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Energy/Healing Meditations
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Search The Sessions
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Giving Back:

Eloise gives 10% of the founding member money every month to Village Impact...

"Village Impact provides access to community-led education, leadership, and economic opportunities for thousands of children in rural Kenya. Along with our local partners, we’re passionately committed to empowering kids to dream big and to gain the skills and know-how they need lead transformed lives free from poverty—for the long term."

"Even today when am feeling melancholy I am getting comfort that there is tomorrow’s session to look forward to and the group connection to hold onto which gives me strength in the depths of a moment of feeling huge loneliness..."

EW 2019

"The 'Freedom Hub' by Eloise is great!

Good chance to get lots more mini sessions in at an extremely reasonable price, especially as we have been gifted with free access to [last year's free] mini-series too. ... I'm feeling more inspired and noticing some changes in my life already.

During the sessions, Eloise is always insightful and explain things and gives you topics to ponder on- it kinda feels like you feel like you have a friend who wants the very best for you coaching you through things.

The regular meditations are great too, very calming and great to do as a group, if your like me and never actually get round to mediating this helps with committing to it as the group is there!

Overall, I'm very happy that I joined the Freedom Hub and fully, fully recommend it! Huge thank you Eloise!"

Vikki 2020

"I’ve been taking part in these group sessions with Eloise since they began, and still look forward to them every month. The topics that come up are interesting and exciting and they have made a profound difference to my life, to my growth and evolution.

And they are fun too, Eloise is hilarious! 😆"

Tina 2020

"As someone who has regular individual sessions with Eloise, I have found these group sessions to be a lovely way of zooming out of very personal concerns while letting the group energy deal with other aspects of the body and mind that need healing. Most importantly, the Freedom Hub sessions have definitely had a restorative and calming effect on me in these difficult and extraordinary circumstances caused by the Covid-19 pandemic." Mirna 2020

"This past year I've appreciated the Hub more than ever. Eloise is always adding new things: apart from our monthly sessions, we also have meditations, the Core Training and chats about the Core Training. On these live calls it's been great to meet like minded people and see some of the people whose energy I share in the Hub.

I always have all of these in my calendar and get excited about them. Overall, I feel happy and settled in my life and feel like I have a lot of support."

Aashna M, Malta, Nov 2021

"I have been part of the Freedom Hub sessions from the start, what has happened along the way for me is that I have found freedom. I have changed my career and now I am closer to living my purpose. In the last year life has pushed me in the direction of manifesting my dreams. It kicked me a bit, otherwise I wouldn't have done it, I was too comfortable, not necessarily happy, but I had stability. 

Eloises's sessions are very powerful and very subtle in the same way, and all the other resources in the Hub are very, very helpful. Eloise puts all her heart in what she does.

Thank you Eloise for being such a inspiring and amazing human being. I appreciate all that you do for the Hub ❤️"

Lavinia Pop, Nov 2021

"Eloise was recommended to me by a passing acquaintance as somebody who could help me with the immune system issues I’d been experiencing. It took me almost a year to act on the suggestion and I’m so relieved I did because I feel I’m a calmer, more collected and harmonious person for it.

I started with distance 1-2-1 sessions and, in honesty, naturally sceptical me wasn’t sure what the sessions were all about for quite some time. All I knew was I felt a whole lot nicer, less stressed out and more together afterwards and was eager to continue.

Eloise overflows with kindness, generosity and giggling good humour, and as soon as I hear her voice I start to smile.

In 2021, she started the Freedom Hub and wow – what a brilliant resource for anyone looking for a calmer, healthier, more energetically balanced and focused life. So many wonderful goodies, practical insights, healing sessions and resources to dip into. It’s a place where I find comfort, reassurance and a gentle, warm, good-humoured path to personal growth. Thank you, Eloise, you’re amazing."

Rachelle, Brighton UK January 22



How do group sessions work?

Hard to explain without going into quantum physics! I can teach you how to tune into a person, or a group of people in only two days! It isn’t hard – it just takes practice! Everything in the Universe is connected, so given the right training & tools, you can tune into anyone or anything.

I tune in to all the people who will listen to the session & set it up to run when people listen to the session.


How will the sessions be delivered?

You receive an email when each session goes live – the schedule of dates is easy to find. The session audio will be available in the Hub before the email is sent. So you can enjoy it when you have time. The sessions are done on a Monday.


How often & how will sessions be delivered?

There are two sessions a month, so normally every 2-3 weeks depending on my schedule & how many Monday’s there are in the month.


How do the meditations work?

I set up a Zoom meeting (online webinar tool) which is more robust than Skype. Everyone can join and share their video if they like. Only my video is recorded for the replay. The dates for the meditation are on the schedule. Normally done on a Tuesday evening at 8pm. So at 8pm I jump on… and the actual meditation starts at 8.10 to give everyone time to settle. I am available to answer questions or chat till we get started.

Sessions will last whatever length is advertised – depends on group energy.

You will get the replay, so you can watch and “join in” whenever you like.

We have found people can get into a deeper meditative state in a group setting.


I am not on FaceBook & don’t want to join the group?

That is fine! It is not mandatory to join in with the group. Really up to you. Some people love being part of a community, and others don’t enjoy it. So no pressure.


Can I cancel my membership?

Of course, you can cancel anytime! Just go into your account settings inside the Hub.

You will lose access to everything when you cancel. And if you ever decide to re-join you will pay the higher fee... as the fee goes up over time!